Posts about til
Today I learned
- TIL: Constructing a PDF from .jpg image files
- TIL: Shell environment variable tricks
- TIL: git push --force-with-lease
- TIL: Makefiles that are self-documenting, and process all extant files.
- TIL: Creating Animated Meme GIFs on the Command-Line
- TIL: Energy use per transaction for cryptocurrencies vs Visa
- TIL: Download audio from YouTube
- TIL: Git Annotated Tags
- TIL: ‰ is per mille
- TIL: Format Python Snippets with Black.
- TIL: When to use three dots vs two in Git
- TIL: Listen to your phone through your PC speakers
- TIL: Understanding git rebase so it sticks
- TIL: Launch Gitk displaying all branches
- TIL: 'Go to Definition' in Vim for Python using Ctags, Done Right
- TIL: Undocumented feature of the week: $PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE
- TIL: More Colored Terminal text on Windows: AnsiCon
- TIL: MSWindows Programming : Propogating child process exit values out of .bat scripts
- TIL: Show last command exit value in Bash shell prompt
- TIL: Using assertAlmostEquals to compare to N Significant Figures