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Integer Division With Recurring Decimals
SVG Trees using recursive Python functions
The Black Parade: Level 04: Death's Dominion
That Which Gave Chase
Overhauled Manual for Epomaker Galaxy80 Tri-Mode Keyboard
TIL: Constructing a PDF from .jpg image files
TIL: Shell environment variable tricks
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Resolution and The Endless
Fully Operational
Illustrating Uses of IBM Cloud Security Groups
TIL: git push --force-with-lease
Structured Pattern Matching in Python
TIL: Makefiles that are self-documenting, and process all extant files.
Astroneer Resource Graph
Gallery of Drawings
Doomsday Clock
New Laptop Time!
US Civics for Naturalization Quiz
The Expanse
The Witch's Heart
Project Hail Mary
The Electric State
The Works of Larry Niven
Termination Shock
The Incal
Klara and the Sun
Rubik's Beginner
Three Parts Dead
TIL: Creating Animated Meme GIFs on the Command-Line
Subnautica: Below Zero
Starship Troopers
This Is How You Lose the Time War
Children of Time
The Buried Giant
Permanent Record
Manifold Garden
The Glass Bead Game
Keyboard CoolerMaster CK530's Missing Manual
Things They Don't Tell You About Peroral Endoscopic Myotemy
Fine Structure
TIL: Energy use per transaction for cryptocurrencies vs Visa
TIL: Download audio from YouTube
There is no Antimemetics Division
Intelligence: A Very Short Introduction
TIL: Git Annotated Tags
TIL: ‰ is per mille
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
TIL: Format Python Snippets with Black.
LXD for Development Environments.
Dina font as an OTF.
Vonnegut on software development teams.
Swamp Thing, Vol 1: Saga of the Swamp Thing
Miracleman, books 1, 2 & 3
Hull Zero Three
Station Eleven
Installing Colout
Running Multiple Firefox Profiles on Linux
Automate Gnome keybindings
Postscript formatted man pages
Rhythmbox plugin: "Announce"
Google Chrome Credit
TIL: When to use three dots vs two in Git
Thoughts on Nylas' "How We Deploy Code"
TIL: Listen to your phone through your PC speakers
TIL: Understanding git rebase so it sticks
This Gaming Life: Travels in Three Cities
Object-Oriented Software Engineering : A Use Case Driven Approach
Altered Carbon
Domain Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men
Chaining a sequence of generators
pip install : Lightspeed and Bulletproof
Hexagonal Django
Encrypted zip files on OSX
Compiling MacVim with Python 2.7
Python 2.7 regular expression cheatsheet
Django testing 201 : Acceptance Tests vs Unit Tests
£ key in Windows on a US laptop keyboard, done right.
We'll parallelise your long-running test suite on EC2
Your Python, Our Servers : What could possibly go wrong?
TIL: Launch Gitk displaying all branches
TIL: 'Go to Definition' in Vim for Python using Ctags, Done Right
A Guide to GIT using spatial analogies
Rerun unit tests whenever files update
Flying High: OpenGL from Python, Part 2
Flying High: Hobbyist OpenGL from Python
Loving EuroPython Tutorials
TIL: Undocumented feature of the week: $PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE
I am such a child
TIL: More Colored Terminal text on Windows: AnsiCon
More OpenGL from Python
The Great Resolver IDE Anecdote
colorama: Simple cross-platform Python API for colored terminal text
My own competency
OpenGL Draw API Visualised
Acceptance Testing .NET Applications using IronPython
Quote from Tim Bray
Thief Level : Week 2
Howto bundle binary dependancies with py2exe, et al.
Creating a Level for Thief 2
Musicians : wake up!
TIL: MSWindows Programming : Propogating child process exit values out of .bat scripts
My Fonts Look Crap. I blame Windows and ATI.
Sinister Redux
Use light-opacity RGBA to fix halo artifacts along edges of textures
The ACM is pissing in the well
Result of MP visit - I suck
My objections to the Digital Economy Bill
[SOLVED]UK Digital Economy Bill
Use of Asserts in Unit-Tested Code
Set your Prompt
Comparing methods of deploying Python applications
PyChoose: Switch between installed versions of Python
A Layman's Philosophical Musings
Programming on Windows : Use Console
Making a wix installer run a program by default
Python Deployment Sucks
Copyright and the crowdsourcing of promotional materials
Home media center
A Pythonic 'switch' statement
IronPython in Action
On Estimates
Do a bit of helping out at EuroPython
Opengl Shading Language
Cloverfield (2008)
The Day The Earth Stood Still
Envisioning Information
Infinite Jest
Letter to my Member of European Parliament : Proposed Copyright Extension
The Future of Twitter
25 Things About Me
TIL: Show last command exit value in Bash shell prompt
Fahrenheit 451
Legend of Zelda : The Phantom Hourglass
Shadow of the Colossus
Beginning Game Development With Python and PyGame
Expert Python Programming
TIL: Using assertAlmostEquals to compare to N Significant Figures
Great Work of Time in A Science-Fiction Omnibus
City at the End of Time
The Difference Engine
The Doors of Perception
Pumping Iron : Dynamic Languages on .Net
London Geek Night : Game Dev
OpenGL Programming Guide, 6th ed.
The Suze...
-, lang.desc for lang in self.languages
OpenID works!
Here Comes Everybody
Stretching pyglet's Wings
Balloon Therapy
The Catcher in the Rye
Breakfast of Champions
Hackers and Painters
Halting State
The Man Who Knew Too Much
IronPython at Resolver Systems
Writing C/C++ on Windows using g++ under Cygwin
Acceptance testing a pyglet application
Micro ISV : From Vision to Reality
Sole Scion project v0.1 : A 2D rigid-body Python game
Cross-site image linking vandalism
The Portable Jung
Evolved for suboptimal decision making?
Only Joking!
Trans-Speculative Ramblings
The Simpsons Movie / Goodbye Forever
Just Married!
Denver stagathon
Where you gonna be?
Lions for Lambs
PyCon 2008, Chicago, USA
The Long Overdue LinkedIn Backlash
Studencki Festiwal Informatyczny 2008
Why Python?
Free Culture
pyglet week 3 : Some Pretty Flowers
Actual vs Perceived threats (aka People are Crazy)
Random Wallpaper for Linux Gnome Desktop
Beautiful Code : Leading Programmers Explain How They Think
If it's good enough for Benny...
History of Western Philosophy
pyglet week 2: Better Vertex Throughput
Modularised Personal Devices
Someone Comes to Town, Someone Leaves Town
I am Legend
2D Graphics With pyglet and OpenGL
Lappy sketch lives!
The Hacker Crackdown : Law and Disorder on the Electronic Frontier
Brilliant and Tragic
The Hidden Layer
Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Survive
Ah... the strangeness of chance
Othello : Donmar Warehouse
National Portrait Gallery Photographic Portrait Prize 2007
Resolver One 1.0
Disastrous UK Government IT Projects
Avoiding Ripoff Wii Bundles
Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography
Patent This
Fame at last
PyCon UK 2007
Tide Turning on Copyright Abuses?
Unexpected Error
She said yes!
Northern Exposure
Perl: parody of itself
The Hothouse
Battlestar Galactica: Series 3
The Straight Story
Ocean's 13
Kill Bill (Vol 2)
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking
Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead
Slaughterhouse 5
From Hell
My Cacophony
The Adventures of Prince Achmed (1926) at Latitude
Generics Considered Harmful
Configuration vs Customisation
Webfaction hosting
Music 101¾
Spiderman 3
DirectX in IronPython
12 Books That Changed The World
Daniel Kitson
Music 101½
Game On: Origins
Countries and US States visited
La Science des Rêves
Music 101
Children of Men
Mocks Aren't (Just) Stubs
Minerva: Metastasis
Onegin vs New Super Mario Bros
The Deluded Ramblings of a Rather Odd Person
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the yada yada
Avenue Q
Broken Open: How Difficult Times Can Help Us Grow
Testing Extreme Programming
The Flight of the Horse
London Symphony Orchestra's Brass Ensemble
Diet Guru
Trip Report: The Chelsea Arts Club
Deja Vu
The Fountain
Snow Report: Ride Colorado
The History Boys
London Python meetup
Everything and More: A compact history of ∞
Hot Fuzz
Fallacious Affordance
A Short History Of Nearly Everything
GoDaddy sucks
First Post!