Denver stagathon

Nun of your business

Some blurry photos are up of an absolutely brilliant stag event in Denver, starting with an afternoon of UK vs rest-of-the-world tomfoolery, which included the most laughing I've done in ages. After a brilliant curry and singstar-style action at Pete's ultimate downtown loft, I was presented with my outfit for the evening (pictured.) We made a beeline for The Bank to reprise the stalwart Colfax crawl route, where we were intercepted by the ladies, and where we then, in turn, intercepted Dana Sisti's engagement party. Finished the night roasting gently in Phil's hot-tub until the dawn. Brilliant.

So brilliant to see everyone. Luv ya! Mean it!

Some much better photos by people with steadier hands and real cameras:

Update: Oh god, there's a video of the cowbell.

Update: The scores are in. It was difficult to discern in the heat of battle, but a rigourous statistical analysis reveals that team UK absolutely dominated the laser quest: